To Card or Not

Sometimes it is hard to tell if a customer wants your card or not.  I have been out of cards and had someone request my card.  Card etiquette is not universal but it is bad form to poke your card at everyone that passes your way.  Handing multiple cardsimagesJ3AMYMQ2 to someone to pass around is a bad idea and a waste of cards.  If someone is that interested in you they will request a card or multiple cards as needed.  A beg no no is to just leave a card laying around in hopes of someone cold calling you…never happens.  Art Falcone gave me multiple cards.  I threw them away.

Push Your Business Forward And Travel With Business Cards

The cool thing about business cards is they are a great tool to use to begin your introduction to a potential client or to close your statement with a “checkmate.” As a business owner you should keep cards with you at all times as they serve their purpose and are heavily powerful and effective.

Not in your natural district? Maybe your business requires you to travel and you’d like to be productive while out of town because, after all, business doesn’t stop no matter where you are. Business cards take care of that problem. Travel Tips provided by Kion Kashefi some incredible information for while you’re out traveling and you can put these tips to good use when chatting with a stranger.

Remember: The business card is powerful and can be a highly effective ice-breaker, but just be sure you have them on you. There’s nothing more embarrassing than talking about who you are and your business and not having your business card when asked for it.